General Information
Phone Numbers
(304) 234-3694
Fax: (304) 234-6419
Emergencies: Dial 911
1500 Chapline Street
Suite 301

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Human Resources

City of Wheeling Human Resources Department
1500 Chapline Street, Room 301
Wheeling, WV 26003
Tel: (304) 234-3694

The City of Wheeling employs more than 400 people. The workforce is divided into the classified and unclassified services, with the hiring procedures of the classified service being governed by three Civil Service Commissions: Fire, Police and Municipal. In addition to performing and supervising the administrative work of the commissions, the department is responsible for policy development and implementation, drug and alcohol testing, training, compensation, benefits, records management and employment matters. The City of Wheeling is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.


Current Civil Service Employment Opportunities:

To see detailed job descriptions for each of the open positions, click on the 'Apply Here' link  

  • Water Treatment Plant Operator 
  • Truck Driver-Sanitation 
  • Electrician- WPCD 
  • Electrician-Operations 

Current Non-Civil Service Employment Opportunities
To see detailed job descriptions for each of the open positions, click on the 'Apply Here' link

  • City Engineer
  • Finance Director
  • Administrative Assistant- Building and Planning  
  • School Security Officer (must be a retired law-enforcement officer who meets all requirements to carry a firearm)
  • Crossing Guard-Part Time 
  • Parking Attendant- Part-Time


Contact Information:

Rebecca Fisher, Administrative Assistant

Tracy Murphy, Administrative Assistant, Operations

Kayla Graham, HR Director 
Email Kayla

Sheena Plute, HR Generalist
Email Sheena 

Telephone: (304) 234-3694
Fax Line: (304) 234-6419