The Building and Planning Department administers the multiple functions of building permit administration, building inspections, code enforcement, flood plain management, city planning, and zoning administration. The staff is committed to carrying out these functions in a professional manner in order to provide a positive experience.
Oldfield, Chet - Code Official
Young, Travis - Deputy Code Official/Building Inspector
Delbert, Brenda J. - Director of Building and Planning
Galownia, Stanley - Code Enforcement Official and Sidewalk Inspector
Conroy, Ryan - Electrical Inspector
The City Clerk’s Office serves as a document and information resource to City Council, all City Departments, and to the citizens of the City. The Mayor with the advice and consent of Council appoints the City Clerk.
Zalenski, Jessica - City Clerk
Wheeling City Council serves the City in a part-time employment capacity. Each member also serves on numerous City committees and commissions and participates in community meetings. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions concerning your area, contact the City Council member that serves your ward.
Assaro, Tony - 1st Ward Council Rep
Seidler, Ben - 2nd Ward Council Rep
Cain, Connie - 3rd Ward Council Rep
Sklavounakis, Jerry - 4th Ward / Vice Mayor
Thorngate, Ty - 5th Ward Council Rep
Palmer, Dave - 6th Ward Council Rep
The City Manager shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the city and shall exercise general supervision over all city departments, except as otherwise provided by the Charter. The City Manager shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the City government in relation to all activities of the city in the exercise of its powers, functions, rights, duties and privileges.
Herron, Robert - City Manager
Lanham, William - Assistant City Manager
Rejonis, Michele - Marketing & Community Relations
Brown, Chelsea - Administrative Assistant
The goal of the Economic and Community Development Department is to coordinate development, economic development, housing, neighborhood development, and other community services in the City of Wheeling. The staff is committed to carrying out these functions in a professional manner in order to provide a positive experience.
Thompson, Melissa - Human Rights Commission
Price, Brooke - Centre Market Manager
The Finance Department has the responsibility of maintaining a general accounting system for the City and each of its offices and departments. The department is divided into two divisions based on the function of disbursement of payments and revenue collection. The department processes purchase orders for the various city departments and makes payments to vendors for these purchases. As for revenue, the department is responsible for the collection off all taxes and fees as identified by City Code, Part Seven, Business Regulation and Taxation. Payroll for the City’s employees is processed through this department as well.
Smith, Janis - Payroll & Pension Coordinator
Carlier, John - Assistant Finance Director
McCroskey, Paula - Compliance & Audit Manager
Rice, Janet - Fiscal Service Specialist/Fire Service Fee Specialist
Robrecht, Susan - Accounting Manager
Sengewalt, Jeff - Revenue Coordinator
Sikole, Missy - Accounts Payable & Disbursement Coordinator
Elliott, Nicci - Administrative Assistant
The mission of the Wheeling Fire Department is to limit the loss of life and property resulting from fire, medical emergencies and environmental disasters. The Department fulfills its major service responsibilities through separate but related divisions: Emergency Response; Fire Prevention; Education; and Investigation. The Wheeling Fire Department also responds to calls that are considered non-emergency calls; water main breaks; customer assistance and interdepartmental assistance.
Blazier, Jim - Fire Chief
Yaeger, Maggie - Admin. Assistant
Davidson, Bernard - Bureau of Fire Investigations
Jamison, Deric - Bureau of Fire Prevention & Inspections
Milton, Jason - EMS Office
The City of Wheeling employs over 400 people. The workforce is divided into the classified and unclassified services, with the hiring procedures of the classified service being governed by three Civil Service Commissions.
Graham, Kayla - HR Supervisor
Plute, Sheena - HR Generalist
Fisher, Rebecca - Administrative Assistant
Murphy, Tracy - Operations HR Generalist
The purpose of the City of Wheeling's technology department is to advise, recommend, consult, and assist all departments with all phases of information systems and technologies which help the City achieve its strategic goals while maintaining a safe and secure environment.
Lloyd, Michael - Director, Information Technology
The Legal Department shall advise and assist in the preparation of ordinances and rules, advise all administrative and legislative officers of the City as to the legality of any proposed action, be responsible for all criminal prosecutions by the City, represent the City as attorney in all legal proceedings in which the City is a party before any court, or before any judicial, administrative or other body, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law.
Humway-Warmuth, Rosemary - City Solicitor
The City of Wheeling operates under the Manager-Mayor Plan. The Mayor is elected at large by the qualified voters of the City and serves as the presiding officer of the Council.
The City of Wheeling Municipal Court processes citations written by the Wheeling Police Department and The City of Wheeling’s Building Code Enforcement for all city properties. They also schedule trials and notify the DMV of violations.
Harrigan, Nicole - Municipal Court Clerk
The City of Wheeling maintains and operates three parking garage structures and two dozen surface lots. Spaces in the garages are at a first come, first serve basis. Surface lots are available to rent on a monthly basis.
Harrigan, Nicole - Municipal Court Clerk
The City of Wheeling has over 30 public spaces, 25 ball fields, four city pools, and 22 playgrounds that consist of the city parks system and two regional parks managed by the Wheeling Park Commission: Oglebay Resort & Wheeling Park.
Barry, Rochelle - Director
Jacob, Amy - Program Coordinator
Gillis, Don - Athletic Program Coordinator
The Wheeling Police Department is committed to achieving its mission while adhering to a series of core values that you will find throughout this site. We are dedicated to this community and are proud to promote its safety and welfare. In the event of an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
Schwertfeger, Shawn - Police Chief
Sanders, Joshua - Deputy Chief of Police
Wheeling’s Public Works Department is responsible for the functions of the following divisions: Engineering, Operations, Water, Water Pollution Control, Sanitation/Recycling,and Vehicle Maintenance
Embrey, Marcia - Water Billing/Accounting
Helminski, Chris - Sanitation & Recycling Superintendent
Johnston, Steve - Operations Superintendent
Siburt, Lori - Water Superintendent
Harris, Andy - Water Pollution Control Superintendent
Peace, Tony - Vehicle Maintenance Superintendent