Police Civil Service Commission

   The Police Civil Service Commission     consists of three commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor, one of whom is appointed by the local Fraternal Order of Police, and one who is appointed by the local Chamber of Commerce. Not more than two of the appointed commissioners, at any one time, can be from the same political party. Two members of the commission constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business.
 The general powers and duties of the Civil Service Commission consist of the keeping of minutes of its own proceedings and records of its examinations and other official actions. The Commission can also conduct investigations concerning all matters touching the enforcement and effect of the provisions of West Virginia Code, Chapter 8, Article 17. 

 If you have any questions regarding the powers and duties of the commission, please contact the Human Resource Department at (304) 234-3694

 John D. Culler, president
 Robb V. Bauer  

 Michael G. Gallaway, Esq.