Community   /   Cemeteries
City of Wheeling Cemeteries

*Photo courtesy of Ohio County Cemeteries Foundation

The City of Wheeling cemeteries include the following:
- Mount Wood Cemetery
- Peninsula Cemetery
- Stone Church Cemetery


Decoration of Burial Lots/General Information
  • Planting of trees and shrubs is strictly prohibited. Existing trees and shrubs may be removed by the city. Any plants and flowers permanently planted on cemetery grounds or property will be removed and disposed of by the City of Wheeling.  
  • Placing glass vases on the grounds is not allowed under any circumstances.
  • Artificial or freshly cut flowers may be placed in an invertible metal vase at any time; however, they will be discarded when dead, faded, broken or of a similar nature.
  • Artificial Sprays and wreaths made from fresh cut flowers are allowed, but they will be removed within two weeks or sooner if they become unsightly or blown off burial spaces by cemetery maintenance.
  • Christmas holiday blankets and wreaths are allowed from December 1 through February 1. Those not removed will be collected by cemetery staff.
  • Live annual plants are permitted on removable shepherd hooks and in individual pots. They must be placed close to the headstones so as not to interfere with the cemetery maintenance. All dead flowers will be removed by the City of Wheeling.
  • Metal vases that are part of a marker must be inverted by the owner when not in use. The City will not be liable for any damage done to these vases.
  • Saddle-type artificial arrangements are permitted on the top of monuments only. They will be removed when they become worn and unsightly.
  • Mementos such as figurines, stones, coins, balloons, pinwheels, personal items, religious artifacts, plates, plaques, written tributes and photographs are prohibited, except for flag holders recognizing veterans and emergency service personnel. The City of Wheeling will remove and dispose of any unauthorized items.
  • Fencing, hedging, curbing or any type of enclosure on any individual lot or group of lots is prohibited.
  • The City of Wheeling will not be held liable for lost, misplaced or broken flower vases or for damage caused by the elements, thieves, vandals or by causes beyond its control. The City reserves the right to regulate the method of decorating lots and the right to regulate decoration so that a uniform beauty may be maintained.
Floral Designs
  • Following an interment, funeral arrangements and floral pieces will be removed by the cemetery after five business days. Those wishing to keep any flowers must retrieve them within 72 hours of the interment.
Removal of Flowers - March 1-15 and October 1-15
  • All flowers and plants must be removed prior to semi-annual clean-up efforts.
  • The cemetery will conduct flower removals twice a year, on March 1 and October 1. During these times, all artificial and live flowers, potted plants, wreaths and baskets will be removed. These items may not be placed back in the cemetery until the 16th of the respective month. Saddle-type arrangements attached to the top of monuments will be removed if deemed unsightly.
Floral Limits
  • Each grave space may have no more than two wreaths, decorations, or arrangements, except on Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Any additional floral arrangements must be removed by the owner by sundown on the 10th day after the holiday, or they will be removed by cemetery personnel.
  • Discarding rubbish anywhere on the grounds or in buildings, except in designated receptacles, is prohibited.
  • To ensure safety and respect, the City of Wheeling asks visitors to follow cemetery regulations. Vehicles must not exceed 10 miles per hour and may not park or stop in front of an open grave unless attending a funeral. Additionally, no bicycles or motorcycles shall be admitted to the cemetery except those attending funerals or tending to business.
Notices or Advertisements
  • The placement of signs, notices or advertisements within the cemetery is not permitted.
  • Only Service Animals are allowed on cemetery grounds. The City of Wheeling is not responsible for any damage caused by animals and does not bear the responsibility of preventing animals from entering the cemetery. The owner or caretaker of any animal that enters the cemetery grounds will be held liable for any resulting damage.
  • Cemetery business hours are from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Visiting hours are from dawn to dusk.