Wheeling PD Seeking Applications for Police Officers

The Wheeling Police Department is currently seeking applications for probationary police officers. The deadline to apply is Friday, Nov. 12, with the Civil Service Exam taking place on Saturday, Nov. 20.


Applicants must pass a physical and written test, a polygraph exam, and a criminal background check. They also must be 18-40 years old and live within a 45-mile radius of Wheeling Police headquarters. 


Recently, the City of Wheeling has increased the incentive for those applying that hold a current West Virginia law enforcement certification, as well as out-of-state officers who meet West Virginia certification standards by offering a $20,000 sign-on bonus. Additionally, any West Virginia certified officer who is contributing to the state retirement system can transfer their retirement over to the city of Wheeling and will not lose their vested years of service. 


A new state-of-the-art headquarters for the Wheeling Police Department is currently under construction, with an anticipated completion date in the fall of 2022. New hires also will be part of the department’s assigned vehicle program that will launch next year.


Those interested can fill out an application online at wheelingwv.gov/policejobs. Questions on the application process or the sign-on bonus can be made to the city’s human resources department by visiting at wheelingwv.gov/hr or by calling 304-234-3694.

More: Police News