Wheeling Community Appreciative of Senators Manchin and Capito for Progress on Congressional Funding for Key Community Projects

Officials in the City of Wheeling, Wheeling Heritage and Grow Ohio Valley are pleased that the United States Senate has moved forward with legislation for fiscal year 2022 that contains more than $3.8 million in projects for the Friendly City thanks to the efforts of U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.).

The United States Congress is finalizing the FY22 federal appropriations seeking to complete this legislation by Dec. 3, 2021.   On Oct. 18, the Senate Appropriations Committee released full drafts of all of the remaining federal funding bills that must be completed, and these bills contained “member-designated” or “congressionally-directed” funds which, when enacted into final legislation, would direct federal agency grant funding to specified home-state projects.  These congressionally-directed projects can only be requested by units of local government or non-profit organizations. 

“The City of Wheeling has strong relationships with our federal delegation in Washington and for that I am grateful.  I am very appreciative to both Senators Capito and Manchin for their strong efforts to support the City of Wheeling and its residents.  The projects funded through this legislation would greatly enhance the quality of life in the Friendly City,” said Mayor Glenn Elliott.  

Requested projects for Wheeling include the following: 

  • $1,001,000 for Wheeling Law Enforcement Technology Program, CJS Appropriations, Cops Law Enforcement Technologies account, for technology upgrades in the planned new Public Safety Building.
  • $500,000 to support reuse and redevelopment of the closed Ohio Valley Medical Center, Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Health Resources and Services Administration account.
  • $150,000 for improvements to the roofs at Centre Market, Interior & Environment Appropriations, Historic Preservation Fund account.
  • $546,000 to work with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to design and engineer flood control improvements on Elm Run Creek, in Energy & Water Appropriations.
  • $1,000,000 for upgrades to the Wheeling Artisan Center, a building owned by the City and managed by Wheeling National Heritage Corporation for public and community uses, in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, HUD Economic Development Initiative account.
  • $620,000 for a new Wheeling Food Hub by Grow Ohio Valley, in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, HUD Economic Development Initiative account.

Wheeling is also very pleased that the Wheeling National Heritage Area Act of 2000 which funds and supports Wheeling Heritage, and which was set to expire in 2021, would have its authorization extended to September 30, 2023 under this legislation. 

Wheeling City officials know that these FY2002 Senate Appropriations bills are not yet enacted into law, but must proceed through the full congressional process, which is targeted for completion by Dec. 3, 2021. Wheeling is very grateful nonetheless and respectfully urges members of Congress to move forward with their duty to put a federal budget into place, so that communities like Wheeling can continue to work with leaders like Manchin and Capito to make progress for our citizens and families.

More: City News