City of Wheeling’s Stormwater Management Teams Up with Arts & Cultural Commission for Water Pollution Prevention Awareness

In an effort to bring awareness to water pollution prevention, employees from Wheeling’s Stormwater Management are teaming up with the City’s Arts & Cultural Commission to add some color to otherwise dull storm drains.

Stormwater Management Coordinator Joe Smith explained at 9 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 14, staff, elected officials and members of the Commission will be gathering around Wheeling’s Centre Market for a unique painting project.

“We will be painting designs around about a dozen storm drains, the goal being to bring awareness to water pollution prevention and how residents can help with lessening the amount of pollution in our area waterways,” Smith said, adding that those painting will have some assistance with the designs via some stencils.

Spectators are welcome. The Ziegenfelder Co. has donated Twin Pops for the occasion and will be shared with those who attend.

Ward 3 Councilor Rosemary Ketchum, who also serves as a member of the Arts & Cultural Commission is looking forward to the event.

“Public art is one of the most powerful ways we can communicate the values of our community. This collaborative event helps educate residents about the dangers of stormwater pollution while beautifying our streets. Joe Smith from our Stormwater division has been instrumental in helping put this project together and I couldn't be more grateful to be a small part of its development," she said.

For information on water pollution prevention and what you can do to keep the area waterways clean, visit or contact Smith at (304) 234-3838.

More: City News