Youth Bowling League - Final Week

Jul 19, 2018 at 12:00 PM

Location Information

Rose Bowl Lanes
89 Edgington Lane
Wheeling, WV 26003
Click for Directions

Contact Phone: 304 234-3641

The Wheeling Recreation  Department  in conjunction with  Rose Bowl Lanes will be sponsoring an instructional Youth Bowling League every Thursday beginning June 14 at  10:00  a.m. and continuing until July 19 for  anyone  up to  the  age  of 16. You will learn the FUNdamental  skills  of  bowling.  Cost for the six week program will be $30 per  participant  and includes a t-shirt,  instruction  and games

and  a  pizza party on the  last day. Shoes and balls will be available for each participant to use.  You can register with the Recreation Department or at the Rose Bowl Lanes.