General Information
Phone Numbers
(304) 234-3701
Fax: (304) 234-3899
Emergencies: Dial 911
1500 Chapline Street
Suite 305

Mon - Fri
8:30am - 5:00pm

Home Investment Partnership Program

The City is a recipient of another federal grant known as the Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program. The HOME Program focuses exclusively on the housing needs of low and moderate income persons.

In 1996, the City of Wheeling was one of six local governments that joined to form the (West Virginia) Northern Panhandle HOME Consortium. 

The HOME Consortium members are:

1. City of Wheeling
2. City of Weirton
3. Hancock County
4. Brooke County
5. Ohio County
6. Marshall County

HUD designated the City of Wheeling as the lead administrative agency.

The Consortium is awarded a grant each year for approximately $500,000. The grant is shared among the six governments. The allocation of HOME funds to each jurisdiction is based on the percentage of low and moderate income persons who reside within that jurisdiction.

All six participating jurisdictions (PJs) within the HOME Consortium offer a First Time Homebuyer Program. For qualified borrowers, up to $10,000 is loaned to assist with the down payment and closing costs associated with the purchase of a home. A lien is placed on the house for the amount of the loan. However, the loan is deferred, interest free and forgivable. The borrower must agree to live in the house for at least five years. At the end of this period, the HOME assistance, which was formerly a loan, becomes a grant.

To qualify for down payment and closing cost assistance through the First Time Homebuyer Program, the following requirements must be met:

1. The applicant must never have owned a home before.
2. The home to be purchased will be the primary residence.
3. The total, annual household income must not exceed the following income limits established by the U.S. Dept. of H.U.D and adopted by the Home Investment Partnership Program effective June 1, 2024.

2024 First Time Homebuyer Program Income Guidelines for the  City of Wheeling, Ohio County, & Marshall County 

1 Person............$45,150
2 Person............$51,600
3 Person............$58,050
4 Person............$64,500
5 Person............$69,700
6 Person............$74,850
7 Person............$80,000
8 Person............$85,150

2024 First Time Homebuyer Program Income Guidelines for the City of Weirton, Brooke County, & Hancock County 

1 Person............$44,800
2 Person............$51,200
3 Person............$57,600
4 Person............$64,000
5 Person............$69,150
6 Person............$74,250
7 Person............$79,400
8 Person............$84,500

4. The applicant must have completed a housing counseling course. Housing counseling is offered through the following organizations:

 CHANGE, Inc. 
(304) 797-7733

Community Action Commission of Belmont County
(740) 695-0293

5. The applicant must be prequalified for mortgage financing.

6. The applicant must have a vacant single-family home under contract, located within the jurisdiction that they are applying. (Prior to a loan closing, the house must pass inspection by the HOME program inspector.)

There is an initial application fee of $50.00, which is refundable. The borrower is also required to put at least $500 out of pocket toward the down payment or closing costs.

For more information on the First Time Homebuyer Program, please visit the Northern Panhandle HOME Consortium website  , or contact one of the following HOME Administrators, depending upon the location in which you would like to purchase a house:

The First Time Homebuyer Program Requirements are the same for all participating jurisdictions. For more information,  please visit the Northern Panhandle HOME Consortium Web site  , or contact the HOME Administrator for the location in which you would like to purchase a house.

  Contact    Resources  

 City of Wheeling
 Melissa Thompson 

(304) 234-3701 

 Ohio County
 Melissa Thompson 

(304) 234-3701 

 City of Weirton
 Joy Reese 

(304) 797-7733 ext. 1405 

 Hancock County
 Joy Reese 

(304) 797-7733 ext. 1405 

 Brooke County
 Joy Reese 

(304) 797-7733 ext. 1405 

 Marshall County
 Kaylin Rose 

(304) 233-0830

HOME-ARP Allocation Plan - DRAFT