General Information
1st Ward
Tony Assaro
2nd Ward
Ben Seidler
3rd Ward
Connie Cain
4th Ward
Jerry Sklavounakis
5th Ward
Ty Thorngate
6th Ward
Dave Palmer
Denny Magruder
Phone Numbers
(304) 234-6401
Emergencies: Dial 911
1500 Chapline Street
Suite 303

City Council


                                  2024-2028 Council of the City of Wheeling

City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month, at 5:30pm in City Council Chambers.

  • Meetings are held in Council Chambers on the first floor of the City-County Building, 1500 Chapline Street. Any change in the day, time, and/or location of a meeting will be advertised in line with the required procedures.

  •  Any person wishing to be heard at a meeting of Council shall register in writing with the City Clerk not later than fifteen minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting of Council. Council meetings can be viewed by clicking here! 

  • Wheeling City Council serves the City in a part-time employment capacity. Each member also serves on numerous City committees and commissions and participates in community meetings. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions concerning your area, contact the City Council member that serves your ward:

**If you have a concern that requires immediate attention, please contact the City Manager’s Office at 304-234-3617, or via email at or
City Clerk Jessica Zalenski 304-234-6401 or via email **

City Council Events