General Information
City Clerk
Jessica Zalenski
Phone Numbers
304-234-6401 304-280-8490
Emergencies: Dial 911
1500 Chapline Street
Room 303
City of Wheeling,

Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

City Clerk

The City Clerk’s Office serves as a document and information resource to City Council, all City Departments, and to the citizens of the City. The Mayor with the advice and consent of Council appoints the City Clerk.

The powers and duties of the Clerk include:

  • Provides staff support to City Council and maintains custody, control, filing and storage of all legislation, books, papers, minutes and other written and recorded documents and materials pertaining to the operation of the city government.
  • Keeps the City Seal, and seals and attest all actions of Council.
  • Publishes notices when required by law.
  • Receives notices, petitions or other formal communications addressed to Council and presents the documents at the next meeting of Council.
  • Provides clerical services to Council Committees, the Civil Service Commissions and other Boards and Commissions listed in the City Charter.

How may I be of service to you?

Contact Information:  
City Clerk: 
Jessica Zalenski
Office: (304) 234-6401
Mobile: (304) 280-8490


**If you are in need of a birth, death, marriage certificate or deeds please contact the County Clerk's Office- at 304- 234-3656 or visit County Clerk | Government | Ohio County WV | The Official Site of the Ohio County Commission webpage for more information**

**If you need assistance with a parking or property violations, please call the Municipal Court Clerk at 304-234-3747 or visit Municipal Court webpage for more information.** 

Meeting Calendar