Michael Baum
Thomas Conner
William Lanham, Assistant City Manager
Howard Monroe
Ben Seidler, City Council
Christina Schessler
William Schwarz
Jeremy West, Chair
The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing and recommending to City Council on matters pertaining to land use and development in the City.
City Council created the Planning Commission in order to promote the orderly development of the city. The Planning Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council so that certain regulatory powers be created over developments affecting the public welfare. The Planning Commission shall have as its objective the improvement of the present health, safety, convenience and welfare of Wheeling citizens and to plan for the future development of the city. The primary responsibility of the Commission is the preparation for adoption of a Comprehensive Plan. The most recent plan, Envision Wheeling, was adopted by City Council in 2014.
The Commission consists of nine members, eight of whom are appointed by the City Manager and the ninth is a member of Council who is appointed by Council. All members of the Commission are residents of the City and serve without compensation. The members shall represent business, industry and labor.
The Commission meets the second Monday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, unless that day falls on a legal holiday wherein it is held the following Monday.
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