Building Code Services

Building Permits  
A Building Permit is required for any structural, electrical, plumbing or building alteration in the City (see complete list here).   A Building Permit is issued upon satisfactorily completing an application and submitting a drawing, materials list and scope of work.  If you hire a contractor to do your work, the contractor is usually responsible for submitting these application materials. Once the application materials and fee have been submitted, your project will be reviewed for compliance with the building code.  Once approved, a permit is issued and shall be on display at the work location until the project is complete.  Involving the Inspection Division early in your project may save you time, money, and unnecessary delays.  See a list of Frequently Asked Questions above.

Building Demolition  
Property owners within the City of Wheeling have the responsibility to either maintain or raze the buildings they own. Irresponsible owners may expect the City’s Building Inspection division to issue a Raze or Repair Order. Failure to comply with the Order may result in the need to appear in Municipal Court and face a monetary penalty. In some instances, where the public’s health and safety are at risk, and there is no other recourse, the City will intercede to raze and clear vacant, derelict structures. The City does not take possession of the affected property, but does place a lien against it for the cost of demolition and other related costs.


Chet Oldfield, Building Code Official, Floodplain Manager
Paula Blake, Permit Specialist
Cassandra Meyers, Permit Specialist
Gust Kepreos, Code Enforcement Officer
 Stan Galownia, Code Enforcement Officer
 Ross Thompson, 
Vacant Building Program Administrator
Travis Young, Building Inspector
Ernie McendreeElectrical Inspector

See "Staff Directory" on Bottom Left for Phone Numbers

Building Permit Application

Flood Plain Map

NFIP Floodplain Development Guidelines