Wheeling Water Pollution Control Division
2516 Main Street | Wheeling, WV 26003
Phone: (304) 234-3874
Plant Superintendent: Andy Harris
Phone: (304) 234-3874
Email: aharris@wheelingwv.gov
Operations: Mike Chiazza
Phone: (304) 234-3874 / Fax: (304) 234-3873
Email: mchiazza@wheelingwv.gov
Maintenance: Pete Wiggins
Phone: (304) 234-3874 / Fax: (304) 234-3873
Email: pete.wiggins@wheelingwv.gov
Collection System: Bob Weisner
Phone: (304) 234-3874 / Fax: (304) 234-3873
Email: bweisner@wheelingwv.gov
Utility Accountant: David Pesi
Phone: (304) 234-3722 / Fax: (304) 234-3721
Email: dpesi@wheelingwv.gov
Pretreatment/FOG Coordinator: Jordan Cunningham
Phone: (304) 234-3874 / Fax: (304) 234-3873
Email: jordan.cunningham@wheelingwv.gov
Stormwater Coordinator: Patrick McGraw
Phone: (304) 234-3874 / Fax: (304) 234-3873
Email: patrick.mcgraw@wheelingwv.gov
Treatment Plant: (304) 234-3874
Billing: (304) 234-3762
To report a sewer break, call 304-234-3874.
The City's Wastewater Collection and Treatment System began as a collection of combined wastewater and storm drain sewers built in the late 1800s and on a continuing basis into the 1950s. Some 154 miles of 6-inch to 24-inch clay pipes remain the primary collection system of the City. However, beginning in the 1950s, the City began to construct a series of concrete interceptors, commenced construction of its first treatment plant in 1954, and brought a new plant, to provide primary treatment, on-line in 1960. In 1972, the City began to plan an upgrade of this plant to meet higher environmental standards. At the same time, improvements were made to the Warwood Pump Station and seven municipal metering stations. The new secondary treatment plant began operations in 1983. The collection system now contains over 300 miles of sewer lines.
The treatment plant serves most of Ohio County and Benwood. Much of the City's sewer system is a combined system. Flows at the plant can vary considerably depending upon the weather. The secondary treatment process is designed to treat an average flow of 10 million gallons per day (mgd). However, hydraulically the plant can handle up to 35 mgd.
The Treatment Process
Wastewater enters the treatment plant through a 72-inch sewer line. Sewage then flows through two sets of 3/8” bar screens, then pumped to an aerated grit chamber to remove grit. Flow leaves the grit chamber into two primary clarifiers which allows heavier material to settle then pumped to the sludge treatment process. Flow from the primary clarifiers enters two aeration tanks then to four final settling tanks where activated sludge is settled and returns to the aeration tanks or wasted to sludge treatment process. Flow leaves the final settling tanks and passes through a UV system before being discharged to the Ohio River. An average of eight million gallons of wastewater is treated daily. The treatment process takes approximately 12 hours.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Tours
For information and to schedule a tour, please contact Mike Chiazza at (304) 234-3874. School science classes, environmental groups, scouting groups, and adult education groups have taken tours in the past. However, anyone is welcome. If you are interested, please contact us.
Tour Safety
The plant is a functioning industrial site operating 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Sturdy closed shoes, socks and long pants are required for both your safety and comfort. No flip-flops, sandals, clogs, open toed shoes, shorts, or skirts are allowed.
Please be advised that due to security issues, we reserve the right to refuse anyone from taking part in a tour. We also reserve the right to cancel tours in the event of a plant or City emergency or inclement weather.
Tour Specifics