Police FAQ's

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How can I see police reports?

You can sign up for daily reports by registering your email at wheelingwv.gov/crimemap

Where do I pay a metered parking ticket?

Parking tickets can be paid via U.S. Mail at the address on the ticket, or in person by visiting the City’s Finance Office – located in room 115 in the City-County Building, 1500 Chapline Street between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Or online via  www.municipalonlinepayments.com/wheelingwv (this is for meter tickets only)

Where do I pay or contest a criminal/traffic citation?

If the citation issued by the officer is through the Wheeling Municipal Court, you may call the court at 304-234-3747, or in person at 1500 Chapline Street, 1st Floor, Room # 115 (Finance Department)

If the citation was issued through the Ohio County Magistrate Court, you may call 304-234-3752, or in person at 26-15th Street.

How to I become a police officer?

Wheeling Police test regularly for police officers. Check out wheelingwv.gov/policejobs or call our Human Resources office at 304-234-3694.

How do I report a crime?

Emergency crimes need to be reported by CALLING 9-1-1. Non-Emergencies can be reported by calling the Wheeling Police Department’s Non-Emergency line at 304-234-3661.

How to I register my home or business burglar alarm?

Burglar Alarms must be registered only if it is within the City of Wheeling limits by calling Crywolf Services, 855-905-0616 or crywolfservices.com/wheelingwv

How do I (the general public) get a police report?

Depending on what you need the report for, you can inquire with the Investigations Division at 304-234-3781 or our Records Clerk at 304-234-3761.

How do I get a motor vehicle crash report?

The easiest way to obtain a copy of a vehicle crash report is by going online to www.reportbeam.com.  On the website, you can enter the crash number provided by the investigating officer, purchase a copy, and print it from home.  For questions, please call our records clerk at 304-234-3761.

Are fireworks illegal within the city limits?

PROHIBITED: Anything that propels into the air that is combustible or explosive, flammable or audible—including: bottle & sky rockets,  roman candles and sky lanterns.


OK/PERMITTED: Sparklers, fountains, party poppers, snaps, smoke devices, and various non-propellant noisemakers.


Failure to obey city ordinance 1535.01 can result in a citation from law enforcement.


How can I obtain a protective order?

Ohio County Magistrate's Office – 26-15th Street.  Phone: 304-234-3752.  If it is after business hours (8:30 a.m – 4:30 p.m.) and it is an emergency, police may be contacted, who in turn, can contact a Magistrate to attempt to obtain an order.