Activity Registration & Facility Rental

Please visit our Recreation Software

We are proud to provide you with our new activity registration and facility rental system.  RecDesk is a platform that simplifies the way recreation organizations work with and manage information.  It offers online registration, facility management, communication tools, and reporting for valuable insights allowing for more efficient management and a better community experience.

To get started please Create An Account with all your household information. The data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us better serve you. This info will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.

When you’re ready to start registering for registering for activities or requesting use of a facility , be sure to review the Help page or click the links below for step-by-step instructions.


Create An Account

Request A Reservation for a Facility

Field Reservation Request for Multiple Dates

Registration for Programs/Activities

Registration of a Team

Registration for Players of a Team in one of our Leagues

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please call the Parks & Recreation office (304) 234-3641.