General Information
Homeless Liaison
Melissa Adams
Mobile: 304-551-2218
City Clerk
Jessica Zalenski
Phone Numbers
304-234-6401 304-280-8490
Emergencies: Dial 911
1500 Chapline Street
Room 303
City of Wheeling,

Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Love Your Neighborhood

City of Wheeling
 Mini Grants- Neighborhood Improvement Projects
 Program Guidelines 


The City of Wheeling will offer up to $30,000 to be distributed city wide. In efforts of helping citizens to beautify neighborhoods. $5,000 will be distributed per ward. However, if no applications are submitted from a specific ward, we reserve the right to distribute monies to other projects as voted on by the committee.


The purpose of this mini grant program is to empower residents to carry out their own vision for a cleaner, greener, and healthier neighborhood. The City of Wheeling encourages resident leaders to show their neighborhood pride, by proposing projects and initiatives that will enhance, beautify and revitalize their communities. 


Grant awards shall be used solely for the purpose of enabling individuals, resident groups and/or community-based organizations to work with their neighbors in partnership with City agencies to beautify and rejuvenate neighborhoods. 



Email completed application and all requested materials to no later than June 30, 2024.  Applications will not be accepted after this date. All applications will be scored by a committee and awardees will be announced July 31, 2024. There will be a mandatory Grantee Orientation on August 26,2024 at 6pm in City Council Chambers. 

Find the application HERE!


Neighborhood Improvement Projects:

● Vacant Lot Activation

○ Example: green spaces, signage 

● Ongoing/Coordinated Litter/Trash Removal Programs

○ Example: Adopt a Block, litter pick up days

● Beautification

○ Example: Public art created by the community, landscaping, grass/brush removal, benches, cross walk painting

● Programming and Public Activities

○ Example: Pocket Park maintenance and activities


● Recruit a total of three or more committed volunteers

● Submit a budget including in kind contributions  

● Submit a detailed plan that outlines how the project will be implemented, and most importantly    

● During the project, coordinate a pick-up of litter in the area the project is located 

● Successful project applications must demonstrate the project will do at least one of the following: 

  • Address a goal that is shared by community members
  • Be resident-led and show clear support from the community
  • Increase community connectedness through volunteerism
  • Help improve residents’ perception of safety
  •  Improve the appearance of the neighborhood
  •  Revitalize a physical space (i.e. vacant lot, green space, etc.) that is underused, overgrown, or an eyesore to the community
  • Work with city services as necessary to enhance the projects as necessary. 
    1. Example: Operations, Sanitation, Parks and Recreation department 


Projects that promote community and neighborhood connectedness, intergenerational

connections, and recurring activity space will be given priority