General Information
Phone Numbers
(304) 234-3701
Fax: (304) 234-3899
Emergencies: Dial 911
1500 Chapline Street
Suite 305

Mon - Fri
8:30am - 5:00pm

Residents FAQ

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What is the City's holiday schedule?

2014 Holiday Schedule

New Year's Day* - Wednesday, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Monday, January 20
President's Day - Monday, February 17
Election Day - Tuesday, May 13
Memorial Day* - Monday, May 26
West Virginia Day - Friday, June 20
Independence Day* - Friday, July 4
Labor Day* - Monday, September 1
Columbus Day - Monday, October 13
Election Day - Tuesday, November 4
Veteran's Day - Tuesday, November 11
Thanksgiving Day* - Thursday, November 27 & Day after Thanksgiving - Friday, November 28
Christmas Day* - Thursday, December 25

*Indicates official holiday for Sanitation/Recycling Departments.

On these six dates, trash/recycling will NOT be picked up. The collection schedule will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week. Saturday pick-up will occur.

REMINDER: All Police, Fire, and Emergency Services operate 24 hours a day and are not affected by the holiday schedule. 

Will the City's trash hauler pick up large waste items?

For questions about specific items call 304-234-3707.

How do I obtain a permit to work in the City right-of-way?

Contact City Manager's Office 304-234-3617

How do I obtain traffic counts for the City of Wheeling?

Operations Department 304-234-3838

There is a power outage in my neighborhood, who should I contact?

American Electric Power 1-800-277-2177 (available 24 hours)

Who should I call to report a water main leak in my neighborhood or a change in water pressure?

Water Department 304-234-3762

Who should I call to discuss storm water issues in the City’s right-of-way?

Operations Department 304-234-3838

Who should I call to discuss storm water issues on private property?

Operations Department 304-234-3838

Who should I call about roadway signage and/or markings?

Operations Department 304-234-3841

There is a dead/injured animal on my property, who should I call?

Ohio County Animal Shelter 304-547-1013

Who should I call to report roadway issues such as potholes, debris in the roadway, snow and ice concerns, or dead animal pick up?

Operations Department 304-234-3838

Who should I call to report a traffic signal non-function or outage; traffic signal bulb outage; or pedestrian signal non-function or outage?

M-F 8:30a - 5p call 304-234-3838 After hours contact the Wheeling Police Department at 304-234-3664 

Will the City's waste hauler pick up large trash items?

For questions about specific items call 304-234-3707

Who should I call to report that my waste and/or recycling was missed on my scheduled pick up day?

Call 304-234-3707 - Sanitation Call 304-234-3836 - Recycling

As an established resident, how do I replace my damaged or stolen recycling bin?

Call 304-234-3722

As a new resident, how do I order a recycling bin?

Call 304-234-3722

Where is the Public Works Department located and what are your hours?

1500 Chapline Street, Wheeling, WV 26003 M-F 8:30a - 5p